Honey Dew My beautiful baby passed away on 1/13/2022 in my arms. I am beyond devastated and will never forget what a loving, smart and amazing puppy she was. I LOVE YOU DEW BABY, YOU MAY NOT HAVE BEEN OFFICIALLY ADOPTED BUT YOU WERE ALWAYS MINE. 🌈 🐶 🌈 1 1/2 years old German Shepherd Mix Puppy Born 2/9/2020
Megaesophagus is a food regurgitation condition involving an enlarged esophagus in dogs. Dogs that have Mega esophagus have a hard time swallowing, meaning that water and food can’t correctly travel to the tummy.
Dogs with MegaE must be fed upright (like a baby) and kept upright for 30 minutes to allow food to enter the stomach, dogs with this condition live long and happy lives.
Honey Dew, loves attention and gets a lot of it because she is so loving and adorable. She loves other dogs, very friendly with new people she meets, does ok in the car, gets along with her foster sibling which is a cat.
Honey Dew would do best with someone who works from home and can feed her upright 4-5 times a day for 45 minutes. She eats her kibble mixed with wet puppy food and bone broth, rolled into meatballs and fed upright as well as Knox Blox (gelatin mixed with bone broth or pedialyte for hydration) water can be dangerous for mega esophagus dogs.
I do not know if she will grow out of this, many people keep asking but I cannot predict and her condition is inoperable by diagnosis of 2 vets.
She is an amazing dog and worth the extra care, 10000%!
Buttercup/Pumpkin Butt/Dru 13 years old Staffordshire Bull Terrier Loves Everyone 🌈 🐶 🌈 Pumpkin Butt, rescued from Moreno Valley Shelter at 13 years old! Her owner brought her there to be euthanized but the shelter refused to do so and reached out to rescues to help her. She was brought there in bad condition, masses, ear infections and later we would realize she suffered from seizures that wore her down. We did everything we could to make her life better and for a short period of time she was loving life with her foster sister and foster mom. She was loved, spoiled and deserved every minute of it and more. Pumpkin passed away peacefully and although her time was very short with us, she left quite the impression on all of our hearts. YOUR LIFE MATTERED.
Gypsie Adopted by Founder 17 months old Bombay Older kids/Mellow Dogs
Gypsie is a beautiful and sweet, Siamese mix cat. She gets long with all of my dogs and is very neat and clean. She loves to lay close to me and will lay on me to bond. She has made such a beautiful transformation in the amount of time she has been with me. She uses her litter box that I keep in a small crate for her privacy (and to keep my doggos out of it) Gypsie is on the smaller side weighing about 9 pounds. She has her shots and is completely healthy. She is not allowed outdoors and I take great precaution to make sure she doesn't sneak out. I require the same from a forever home for her safety. Gypsie is spayed, micro chipped and up to date on shots.
Mabel 🌈 🐶 🌈 December 5, 2020 NOT A DAY GOES BY THAT I DON'T MISS YOU My forever foster girl American Staffordshire Terrier 12 years old
This girl is a little unicorn in so many ways! To have lived the life she did and come out this amazing is a miracle. Yes she has some health issues but her attitude, her tolerance and her ability to give and show love is beautiful. Her lovely foster mom is sure that Mabel will be best in a home with other dogs because as you can see she has taken to her little foster sibling and cries when he or they’re not around her (there are 3 littles in the home and she’s smitten) she shares her dog bowls, her bed and her toys generously and lovingly. She’s doing great with house training and we’re still working in her picky appetite. Next up is seeing what can be done for that elbow to let her run and be the galloping unicorn she was born to be!
Harlow Bull Terrier/Staffordshire Bull Terrier 4 Years Old Older Kids Only/Only Dog Home Found her home from day 1 with foster mom
Harlow is 4 years old and spent 18 months of it in the shelter. She is AMAZING!! She's been in her foster home for 9 months now and enjoys her pack walks, hikes and is a very good listener. We don't know much about these rescue dog's past lives but we know we can change their future. Harlow actively works with a behaviorist to ensure a healthy well balanced being in every way. The ultimate home for her would have no small kids, patient but strong and calm role models, and her be the only fur baby in the home. Harlow loves to go in the car for rides, she tolerates water, loves to play with her toys and mostly, she loves being with her person, whether it's watching her favorite tv shows or sleeping next to you, she's happy either way. Harlow is healthy, chipped, spayed, house trained and crate trained.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Lilo 3 years old Staffordshire Bull Terrier Adopted 6-26-2020⠀ Lilo got picked and little did I know it was long before they met her (found out they were already in love with her right after I sent them her pic ) I asked Todd and Patty to foster Lilo on an emergency basis and without hesitation they said yes! They texted me often when she had to stay in the hospital for so long and since day one they said she’s been such a good girl and so easy (we didn’t know anything about her beforehand) so thank dog she is as lovable and good as she is to score such a sweet and loving pair of hoomans!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Sunday Adopted 5/25/20 7 years old Staffordshire Bull Terrier 🌈 🐶 🌈 9/5/2020 Sunday was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma which took her within weeks of her diagnosis. She was with her mom and dad when she crossed over. She will forever remain with me.
It finally happened! Sunday picked her hoomans! After 11 months of waiting and being in one foster home or boarding, she finally has her own home with a couple of dog loving peeps that live in Huntington Beach, so I can visit whenever I would like! I'm so happy for her. Sunday is a 7 year old little staffie mix. Sunday is house trained, crate trained and very mellow. Sunday has a slight neurological condition, she is on medicine for it and is doing amazing!! Sunday weighs 55 pounds, likes short walks, sunbathing and lounging in the garden and car rides! She makes a great co pilot and is known to give directions to any burger joint around :) She also loves pancakes and donuts!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Moose Staffordshire Bull Terrier 3 years old This little love muffin was rescued along with Lilo after being left behind by their "owner" After getting him neutered and his health squared away, he quickly found a lot of people interested in him so as his talent manager, I got to going through many applications and found one very persistent and qualified hooman and she drove all the way from Oakland to meet him and make him hers. He's doing amazing with his new sister Hazel who is pictured with him. This little boy is so chill, mellow and well behaved, he is everything you'd want in a dog son.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Mazikeen Adopted on 9/29/19 11 months old Staffie/Boxer mix My rescue mom found me the perfect family! I have a big backyard, two small hooman pets and two big hooman pets all to myself. I am loved and i've overcome so much from just a puppy from being starved, used as a bait dog or fighting dog to a family dog!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Jett Adopted 9/11/19 Domestic Medium Hair/Main Coon Mix 13 weeks old So affectionate and sweet. Jett and her brother were successfully adopted together and with the most purrrfect couple for them that I could have found for them. I am so very happy for my puppy cats and for Meghan and Karl who opened their home and waited patiently for them to be spayed/neutered and ready to leave rescue mom, totally recovered and adjusted for their new lives.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Bennie Adopted 9/11/19 Domestic Medium Hair/Main Coon Mix 13 weeks old So affectionate and sweet. Bennie and his sister were successfully adopted together and with the most purrrfect couple for them that I could have found for them. I am so very happy for my puppy cats and for Meghan and Karl who opened their home and waited patiently for them to be spayed/neutered and ready to leave rescue mom, totally recovered and adjusted for their new lives.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Lilo Adopted August 30, 2019 Pomeranian/Chihuahua 5 years old Dog/People Friendly Lilo was adopted by her foster mom, Laura and is right where she belongs! These two beach babes complete each other and were meant to be from the start. Lilo is a sweet, friendly, well behaved lady! She loves everyone she meets and loves to be by your side or relaxing with fur friends. She walks well on leash, weighs 11 lbs, is healthy, crate trained and doing very well on potty training as she didn't learn in her previous home. Lilo was a stray and brought into the OC Shelter before becoming a Rebel Dog. She makes the perfect addition not only to our rescue but to our lives.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Seven/Guinness Adopted August 3 2019 4 months Schnauzer/Yorkie Male Adopted and now named Master Guiness Lee! Happy life to you and your new family, we will miss you at the Rebel Dog's house but I look forward to years of pics and updates. Meet Seven, our 3 month old Schnauzer/Yorkie Mix. Seven was rescued from the 710 freeway hence is name. He is potty pad trained and is learning new things everyday since we rescued him last weekend 7-8-19. He weighs 6 pounds and is very well behaved for a young pup. He will learn house training and crate training in the next two weeks and be available for adoption. We are now accepting applications for him. More pics to come!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Sebastian/Kosmo Adopted July 19, 2019 American Staffordshire Bull Terrier Good with older kids/dogs 18 months old Sebastian has made it "home" with his dad! We waited so patiently for this special hunk to find the right hooman and we did it! I can't wait to see and hear about all of their adventures together! Meet Sebastian, the hunky, spunky puppy go lucky boy! Sweet, nosy, playful and endlessly happy! Neutered, Chipped, Up to date on shots. Sebastian is crate trained, loves to play with toys, love mellow dogs and people. Needs exercise but also loves to cuddle at the end of your feet and be by your side. This is one of the sweetest bully boys you'll ever meet!Sebastian weighs 65 pounds of pure muscle. I LOVE THIS KID!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Gidget Adopted July 8-2019 Skye Terrier 1 -2 year old Male dog friendly/Older Kids When Cherie met Gidget, it was an instant connection. I was very selective about who would be her forever person and it paid off ten fold. I couldn't be more proud or happy for these two. Gidget is a 1-2 year old, Skye Terrier Mix, with gorgeous crystal blue eyes and a longer coat. She is a feisty, fun and loving babe. She is learning potty training and crate training since being in our rescue (about two weeks now) and is doing very well. She is cautious with new people and likes to get to know people via smell and on her terms and then she's all kisses! I would not recommend her in a home with small children (yet or at all) due to her cautious behavior). She is an indoor dog and so still has the scavenger mentality of a stray that we are working on when she gets used to the stability and routine of a loving home. She is going to make someone very happy as she makes me smile every day!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Charlie/Rumpkin Adopted April 2019 Westie Mix 5 years old Dog/People Friendly His foster family just couldn't imagine letting Charlie go after only a week of fostering. By the look on everyone's faces, they're all pretty happy about it, I know I am! Happy life Rumpkin and family. Male, 5 year old, Westie mix (not sure what mix) he is shy and timid, cautious and was previously neglected in his former home. He is learning new things every day with us and is doing amazing! He weighs 11 lbs, is learning crate and potty training and loves everyone. Better pics to come!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Oliver/Phoenix Adopted 12/15/2018 American Staffordshire Bull Terrier 12 months Now named Phoenix Mumley! Foster Fail from day one! Kelsey and Oliver were a match made in heaven for one another . Oliver is still just a big baby and full of energy to play and learn. In his small amount of life he's been with two different owners due to irresponsible people who did not put his needs first. Oliver is a big meatball! Low to the ground and all muscle, therefore we want him to go to bully experienced, loving people to help him learn stability and trust. He plays rough with other dogs and needs to learn doggy manners and social manners. Oliver is very smart, knows basic commands, is house trained, strong on leash. He loves to cuddle with his person or people and will hog the bed.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Pippa Adopted December 2018 BostonTerrier/Parson Russell Terrier 1-2 years old Meet the happiest, friendliest little wiggle butt ever! Pippa met her forever family when the Farmer family saw her online and when they met her and how well she did with their dog and kids, it was a perfect match for every one of them. She now has two hooman siblings and an old four legged sister. They are one big happy and complete family with Pippa. Pippa is a perfect sized dog at 30 lbs. She has the benefit of a small lap dog while being a healthy active dog. She loves everyone! This girl is smart as a whip as most terriers are. She is spayed, up to date on shots, house trained, crate trained and LOVES toys. Pippa was a stray on the island of Puerto Rico before being rescued and flew to our rescue.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Duchess Rest in Paradise Warrior Queen 🌈 🐶 🌈 American Staffordshire Bull Terrier 13 years old In forever foster as of 9/1/18 Duchess is with her forever foster and i'm over the moon for her. Her foster family loves her so much, she gets three homes between the foster family so she's never alone and is spoiled with not only homemade cookies but so much love and attention. My dream for Duchess came true. Duchess was in really bad shape in the shelter until I saw her and fell head over heels for her as well as her foster mom who along with our help has taken amazing care of this girl who since being with us has had numerous Mast cell tumors removed as well as others that were not cancerous. She was living a life of being used by greedy people to make puppies for profit and at 11 years old, they left her to die in the shelter. She is now our Duchess of Rebel Dogs and is healthy and happy. She needs someone to live their lives together and know what real forever love is all about. She is the sweetest, most deserving dog you could ever meet.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Bean Adopted 2/3/18 Chug= Part Chihuahua/Pug 6 Years old 🌈 🐶 🌈 Bean joined the rest of the Rebel Dog's family in Heaven 9/2020 I will always love you dear boy. Congratulations to our dapper dude, Bean! He has found his forever home with Rebecca and Ryan. Bean's foster mom, Laura, had gone out of town and asked Rebecca and Ryan to sit for Bean, well the rest is history because they immediately fell in love with him and they made it official and put a ring on him! Love this happy ending because he had been on so many meet and greets and never got picked until now! The universe had a plan and it's a beautiful thing. I will personally miss our cuddle sessions Bean and i'm first to Bean sit when your parents need :)
Chug mix, part Chihuahua part Pug, part pig ;) He's a little roly poly bug who loves to cuddle and stay by your side. He loves dogs, people (after proper introductions, he can be shy) and loves food! Bean loves to walk and walks well on leash, he listens so well, is so sweet, mellow and smart! He is crate and house trained and does very well in the car.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Lola Adopted 10/21/17 Australian Shepherd, Labrador Retriever 10 months old Lola is officially home with her new mom Kristina and big lil sister, Chiwi. She also has two, two legged brothers now as well that she swoons over! I love this sweet little girl so much and love her new family for her!
Lola was rescued from Puerto Rico after being found abandoned on the streets, skinny and terrified. We knew we had to take her in and show her what love and life is all about. She is the sweetest, fluffiest and timid little girl. She is available for adoption however, will need an experienced adopter with shy or fearful dogs. Lola would not be good in home with small children, has not been around cats and has not grasped the concept of a leash. She still has a feral mentality that will take time and patience in the right home to thrive.Lola loves dogs and is very smart, house trained and crate trained but also loves sleeping in bed and cuddling .
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Liam Adopted 9/17 Lab/Shepherd/mix 12 months old Liam has found his family and it is a match made in family heaven! You can see the love and happiness in his eyes and his family's smiles in the adoption pictures. This boy was lucky to have an amazing foster mom Bianca who also volunteers at Downey Shelter and knew he was in danger so it didn't take much convincing on our part to facilitate his rescue with her help he has become a success story and made Sarah, Stephen and Gabe very happy! Liam loves people! He is a happy go lucky puppy who wants to play and give kisses and lay on your lap! He's spent almost half his puppyhood locked up and now he is making up for lost time and learning how awesome life is. He is such a good boy, just wants to please, play and make new friends. Liam is extremely smart and takes direction very well. Liam would love an active life with lots of love and playtimes. Crate and House trained, walks well on leash.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Poppy Adopted 7/29/17 Dachshund/Labrador Retriever 4 months Sweet little Poppy found her forever mom after many meet and greets and tons of applications for her, we found her perfect match. She now lives in Corona Del Mar, goes to day care when mom is at work and goes on hikes and walks with her doggy neighbors and friends. For a shy girl she has turned into a social butterfly. Poppy is a sweet little girl who loves people and other dogs! She shares her toys, her bed and happily trots along with confidence. She came very skinny to us from Puerto Rico as an abandoned street dog who was lucky to be rescued by our partner rescue Souls of Satos. She still has scars from surviving on her own at such a young age. She is smart, beautiful and healthy now just waiting for her family to find her.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Ella 🌈 🐶 🌈 Rest in Paradise One of the sweetest shelter dogs ever Adopted 7/22/17 7 Years old American Staffordshire Bull Terrier Ella and her mom, Lauri were two peas in a pod from day one. We just needed to convince brother Seamus that there was love in both of their hearts for Ella to become officially part of the family. Ella is one of the most perfect dogs in every way you could ever imagine meeting no less spending the rest of your lives with. She was neglected, used and dumped but that story is one of the past and now she's living the happy ending she was meant to live. With love. Ella is a beautiful brindle coated baby girl. She has had her fair share of puppies and then abandoned and left behind in a building to fend for herself and her best friend. They were both brought into the shelter and her friend was adopted and she was left behind on borrowed time, so we had to make her a Rebel Dog! She needed us and we need her. She is super sweet, great with all people, kids and dogs. She is spayed, chipped and current on shots. She is very smart and really a great girl!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Luna Rest in Paradise Golden Girl 🌈 🐶 🌈 Adopted 5/19/17 German Shepherd 14 years young 3/25/02 - 10/12/17 Until we meet again Luna... you will always be my golden girl with this beautiful smile that could change moods. Run Pain Free with love in your heart because you certainly gave that to me and your pawrents. I will meet you on the other side. I hope you know how important you are to all of us you've left behind. You gave us the best 9 months we could ever ask for. Luna finally has her happy ending and it was with the very people who helped us save her life! Her foster mom and dad decided they couldn't live without her and Luna, loves them so much that it was meant to be. I was rescued the very last day of 2016 in really bad shape. I could barely walk, move or see because I never received proper health care and was neglected for so many years, covered in dirt and filth! My rescue mom took me to the vet, got me fixed up and on meds for my arthritis, hip dysplasia, nerve pain and other stuff to help me move and walk around pain free! I then got a make over and who would have guessed how beautiul I am now? I love going for walks and my foster pawrents are so loving to me. The best is yet to come!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Riley Adopted 5/17/17 1 Year old American Staffordshire Terrier Mix Riley has been adopted and his foster dad is now his forever dad ! There was no way from the get go that @dannylohner was going to be able to give then Bennett now, Riley up and honestly, I don't think he belongs anywhere but here! He has come so far and has a love of his life with Penny. Thank you Danny for being an awesome foster, I'm so grateful. This angel caught so many hearts in the shelter including mine. We are learning more and more about him now that he is in his foster home and out of the hospital. He is learning about trusting people again too. We know he has Microopthalmia Entropion with Ocular Dysgenesis, due to trauma to his head. He has lost the vision in his right eye and muscle mass. Doesn't stop him from getting around and is so ready for his new life with us. I look forward to posting amazing progress updates on this boy. Look for Riley in Blink 182's new video!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Westley Adopted 5/4/17 American Staffordshire Terrier Mix 2 years old Westley is officially adopted by @allieparm87 These two are inseparable in the most adorable way ever 🎉🐾♥️🐾💎 Thank you for fostering and now being his forever mom. Allie and Westley enjoy every day together and love to share photos of their adventures on Instagram. Seeing their pics and his happy life makes me know, anything is possible with love. Sometimes the good dogs in shelters and rescues are overlooked and forgotten. Westley was almost one of those boys until Allie and I rallied for him. Thank dog we did.
He's so sweet, fun, playful and loves everyone! He loves to play with his doggie friends, he loves walks, hiking and often makes new friends on his hikes, going for car rides and cuddling with foster mommy. He listens so well and has basic training, crate trained and house trained. What more could you ask for? Oh yeah, he's great with kids.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Betty and Veronica Adopted 4/9/17 German Shepherd/Border Collie/American Staffordshire Bull Terrier 12 Months Old My sweet babies have chosen their home and it is perfect! I will miss them immensely but I know they are in the right home for them with the perfect pawrents who have made this tough decision so easy for me. These girls have shared a room with me for a year and now it's time for them to go out in the world and grow even more with Carrie and Lio! Sweetest and smartest little girls you could ever meet. They love toys, do well in the car and sleep in their crates for night night time. They love all dogs and would be a great addition to any family. They are spayed, chipped and current on puppy shots, just waiting for their fairy tail ending. These sweet sisters are two peas in a pod and entertain not only each other but everyone who meet them. With puppy energy and positive attitudes, they are the perfect combo!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Bandit/Jake Adopted 3/2017 1 year old American Staffordshire Bull Terrier Bandit now named Jake fell head over heels for his new wife, playmate, sister, partner in crime when he met Bella Bleu and her mom Kelly. He fit right in immediately and in this case, the dogs really did do the picking. L O V E! Bandit is a gorgeous boy who loves people and is a little timid at first. He takes time to warm up and is shy but once he warms up he is the biggest cuddle bunny! Bandit is a healthy happy boy, he's neutered, chipped and current on shots.He is very smart, he is crate trained, house trained, loves and lives to please, loves kids and dogs.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Winston Adopted 3/ 2017 Long haired Chihuahua 2 Years old Winston scored a big amazing loving family when he met the Batson clan! The family made the trip from San Diego to swoop this kid up and now he has a huge family to love on and now has a big brother to play with. So happy for Winston and his family. Winston is such a cool dude, mellow, friendly and super loving. He is the perfect companion to take everywhere even on a plane, he is well behaved, sweet and thee best cuddler ever! Winston likes other dogs, not sure about cats but knowing his personality, he would be fine as long as the cat is nice. Winston is house trained, crate trained and loves to play fetch. He's awesome.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Marlo Adopted German Shepherd 2 Years old Beautiful Marlo today ♥️ Marlo was found by a good Sam who reached out to us to see if we could help her. The finders friend offered to foster Marlo until she was healthy enough to be adopted. It didn't take long for Holly (now mom) to fall in love with her just from our fb post. This baby was suffering from pyometra and in a substantial amount of pain. Her and her mom are inseparable now. More to this amazing rescue story to come.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Ollie Adopted 2/12/17 Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Mix 1 1/2 Years Old Ollie found his forever home with John and Kelley! They had an instant connection with Ollie and after meeting them, Ollie did the picking and it was his people who were meant to be for him and him for them. We love you Ollie boy! Ollie is a one and a half year old Basset Hound, Petit Griffon Terrier mix. He is a fluff of love! Ollie was rescued from the shelter and is still decompressing with us. He is friendly but cautious, smart and savvy. He is a boy who likes to take his time to get to know new people and once he does he is stuck to you like glue. Someone home a majority of the time would be ideal for Ollie and even another dog in the home would make it even more a perfect home for this angel. Ollie is neutered, microchipped and up to date on shots.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Maui/Groovy Adopted 2/7/17 Maui (now named Groovy)is a MaltiPoo puppy who has found his forever family with Liv and David. The couple fell in love with him before the meet and greet and are perfectly fitted for him and him for them. Over the moon for this couple who waited so long to make this commitment with a fur baby and Maui is the most deserving, loving puppy who deserves it. Love the new name too, Groovy!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Ford Adopted 1/23/17 Catahoula Leopard Dog/American Staffordshire Terrier 2 Years old After 11 months with us and basically being a dream dog from day one, he has found his people and found love with his new wife, Ziggy and her parents which are now his too!! We love this happy ending so much for so many reasons. Ford and Ziggy have been joined at the hip ever since he got "home" Ziggy was very depressed after losing her long time love Marley and now she's starting to open up and let love in again. Ford is the perfect boy to give love without any expectation Ford is a 2 year old American Staffordshire and Catahoula Leopard Dog. Ford is very smart, friendly, loving and pretty much awesome. He loves everyone he meets after a proper hello, loves dogs and is cat friendly. This boy is a dream boat. This baby boy came to us through way of the Lancaster Shelter. Ford was severely emaciated, had skin infections and an incision all along his belly, after weeks in our vet hospital he is healing up and will be available for adoption once he is released and has had time to decompress and adjust to home life with his foster family. He has a sweet demeanor and loves everyone he meets and kisses! Ford is about 2 years old, listens well and wants to please and cuddle. Ford is dog friendly, loves to give kisses and is a happy boy.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Cagney/Nittany Adopted January 2017 Cagney/Nittany has found her people and her people have found her. After almost two years of living with her foster family, multiple meet and greets and her extreme fear of new people has paid off BIG TIME!! Sandra and Aaron took their time with Cagney and let her open up to them on her terms and her time. She's adjusting so well and I love getting the updates on her and her new family. Cagney is two years old, spayed, chipped and up to date on shots, she is crate trained, house trained and knows basic commands. Cagney is a special needs pup due to her past abuse and extreme fear of new people especially men. Cagney is extremely smart, obedient, loves the park and plays fetch. She is a golden girl who will need someone as special as she is to build her trust like she has with her foster family. Cagney would be best in a home with no young kids until she is well adjusted into a new home.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Faith Adopted December 2016! Faith aka Jumbo Tina, adopted by her foster mom after a year of fostering Faith and learning to adjust to her special needs, these two ladies became inseparable. I am beyond happy for Faith who will never be let down again and is now understood and loved no matter what. It's a long time coming for her!! I'm a beautiful, smart, full breed Staffordshire Terrier girl. She loves going for car rides and is a great jogging, walking partner, she stays right by your side. She's healthy and loving, amazing dog all around. Faith is 3 years old, healthy, strong and a happy girl. She knows commands, is crate and house trained. Faith lost hearing in one ear from past neglect and trauma to her skull has possibly impaired her vision however it does not stop her from listening to you and wanting to please you. Loves to cuddle, run errands with you and be your co pilot, she is truly one of my favorites.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Maya Adopted 11/25/16 Maya was adopted by Daisy as seen here in the first picture. Maya's consistent loving nature has brought Daisy and their mom Debra so much joy and happiness after losing their boy Goose. Maya is home now. Congrats to this trio of loves. Maya is 9 months old, Boxer and Staffordshire Terrier, spayed, chipped and current on vaccines. This girl is a families dream. She is patient, tolerant, gentle and super sweet. Maya loves parks, car rides, kids, cats and dogs. She is crate trained and house trained and will steal your heart in one meeting.
Oliver/Zero Adopted, October 2016 Oliver came to me as a 9 month old puppy. He hadn't had a perfect life and needed a lot of work on social skills, dog to dog behavior and trusting humans. He was let down by humans prior to coming to Rebel Dogs Rescue causing some issues that were not his fault but needed correction and practice. I saw nothing but love from Oliver and the eagerness to please me and love everyone he met and felt safe with. He has learned how to relax, to trust people and to be a happy puppy. It's taken months to get him where he is today and everyday will be practice on his part and his human's part but now I know he will always be safe and loved. Oliver deserved everything it took to get him to this happy place today. I look forward to hearing of his progress for years to come.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Dutch Adopted September 2016 Dutch and his foster dad Marc made the commitment official after two years of being best friends in foster hood. Marc is the perfect forever home for Dutch as he's been with him through thick and thin and was/is amazing to him and for him. I look forward to many years of growth and updates from these two. 4 1/2 year old male, American StaffordshireTerrier, 68 lbs. neutered, chipped and up to date on shots. He is an absolute lover boy who adores everyone. He's a little shy of other dogs except little dogs, he currently gets along with his foster brother who is a tiny poodle that runs laps around Dutch and steals his bed while Dutch just lets him because it's his buddy, if you're looking for a sweet, mellow mannered, low maintenance stunner this is the dog for you. He is house trained and loves to cuddle.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Baby Adopted September 2016 Baby was six years old when her owner contacted me asking for help rehoming her. I couldn't say no to a responsible owner doing right by her dog. I reached out to one of my approved adopters, Jivas. He met with Baby and made the commitment to give her a forever home filled with love and loyalty! It wasn't easy for Baby at her age to make the transition but Jivas was patient and also worked with a trainer to get Baby adjusted and over her separation anxiety. Over a year later and the two are doing amazing and are happier than ever as you can see with the adorable pics of these two.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Phoebe Adopted August 2016! 🌈 🐶 🌈 After a valiant fight with brain cancer, our beloved Phoebe will be waiting for us on the other side. I love you Meep Merp! Phoebe waiting patiently for her forever home and boy did it pay off! Phoebe is happily living with her forever dad and has a boyfriend too! I think she is one happy little girl and she deserves it after spending her former life making puppies for profit only to be dumped in the shelter when they no longer wanted her. Good girls win!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Hudson Adopted August 2016 Adopted by a lovely couple from Arizona who saw his photo and listing and drove out with their dog Angus. It didn't take long for them to commit to him after seeing Angus and Hudson become brothers right before our eyes. We are so beyond happy for all of them. Hudson is an 8 year old puppy! He is so sweet and so friendly. He loves everyone and greets everyone with a tail wag and a smile. He is a Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie and who knows but it works for us! Hudson loves playing with toys like a puppy, he cuddles in his bed and listens so well.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Boots Adopted 6-17-16 Who travels 5-6 hours to meet a dog? A very determined person to give a rescue dog a better life❣ Travis and Boots are a match made in heaven (seriously) When Travis took his leash and walked to his car, Boots turned back to look at me several times as if to let me know, he is happy and grateful. Tears of joy for this boy who has had so much instability in his former life.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Sophia Loren Adopted June 12, 2016 Sophia is now Sophie, adopted into her forever home with a new brother named Tebow and two wonderful parents, Nicole and Todd. They've already taken her on the road with them to the races and she's so happy with them! Happy life to this family who chose to rescue a wonderful girl and make hers and our dreams come true! Young and beautiful Sophia...she is such a happy go lucky girl, Sophia Loren is a smaller Staffordshire Terrier mix, brindle and white and approximately 1 & 1/2 . She is great with most dogs (cats unknown), loves car rides and going for walks/runs. She is a good girl when getting a bath and is very friendly with new people, she still has puppy energy so walks are a must for this girl. Her pics don't do her justice, she is a ray of sunshine. Sophia Loren is almost 2 years old, spayed, up to date on shots and house trained.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Hopper/Hopps Rehomed August 2020/Adopted May 2016 This happy boy was in love at first sight and vice versa with his new family! He scored a loving big happy family! Congratulations Hopper, you deserve this happy new life baby.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Bella Adopted May 2016 Bella, the dog who's owner tried to have her put down twice because he didn't want to walk her or crate her to keep her apart and safe from his other two dogs, who would instigate fights with each other and then redirect on to poor Bella, she was adopted tonight!! Her foster family who has a King Cavalier named Dude, never complained when she tore apart their fence or door molding when left alone, or when she scuffed her face up to escape the crate to be with them, they simply understood she needed love and patience and gave it to her bc she suffers from really bad separation anxiety! Now with them she will never have to worry about being attacked, treated poorly or neglected again! This makes me so happy for this dog! I've lost amazing fosters but she's gained a beautiful family.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Bon Bon/Chloe Adopted 4-25-16 Rest in Paradise Sweet Bon 🌈 🐶 🌈 Until we meet again my love. 2017 Update- Bon Bon/Chloe passed away in her sleep in her home where she was loved and happy. Bon Bon now named Princess Chloe and living with 3 other chihuahuas to love and cuddle with. Her new mom Sarah and best friend Laney couldn't have fallen more in love with each other at the Pet Expo this last week. Congratulations to this little girl who was orphaned and surrendered to us last Halloween. She scored big time and we think they did too! She's pretty special.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Addi Adopted 4-17-16 Ivy now named Addi! (Bella in OCAS) and was rescued just in time to save her life! The shelter wasn't going to make her available for adoption so she needed a rescue to step up for her. Thinking back through potential adopters, we reached out and found her a foster that took her in and helped us give this little angel a second chance. Fast forward a week and a half and she's been adopted by an awesome couple who saw her on our Facebook page and had to make her their baby. Congrats to all of you.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Loki Adopted March 21, 2016 Loki was adopted by Melissa who gave her heart to him pretty much the minute she laid her eyes on him. We are so happy that these two were able to find each other and make miracles happen. So many good dogs are over looked in rescue so it is always a miracle when one is adopted! Loki came to us after his family lost their home and could no longer give him what he needs. He is very very loving, fun and cuddly. He loves other dogs especially lithe ones. He gets along with everyone that meets him and is great with kids!! Loki is 3 years old, house trained, well behaved and very smart. Neutered, up to date on shots and healthy. Seriously a beautiful brindle boy looking for a family to love him and never give him up.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Drax/Cooper Adopted February 2016 Drax now named Cooper, was adopted by a lovely couple who saw him on our website and fell in love with him! They waited for us to coordinate a home check with a local rescue in their area to be approved and then made the long drive from San Jose to meet this boy after a home check was done by their local rescue as a courtesy to us, it was a match made in heaven for him and their dog Bailey who had just lost her brother and needed a companion to cheer her up and restore her happiness. Drax was rescued in December when a couple came across him at the Riverside Shelter. He had been staying in the San Jacinto shelter prior to being moved to Riverside and then ultimately was running out of time to be adopted and found himself in trouble. Josh and Raven came to us and asked us to help us save Drax (then named Gavin) and of course, we had to help.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Cali Adopted January 23, 2016 Cali was adopted by her foster mom, Layla. It was love at first sight on Facebook but when they met in person and began sharing so much time and love, it was clear they were meant to be family and now they are. WE are so happy for the whole family and especially for this little girl Cali.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Killian/Archer Adopted January 2016 2020 Euthanized by Owner at Shelter in Georgia. Heartbroken. 🌈 🐶 🌈 KJ, you will always be my forever puppy. I know you were loved but I failed to find you a better suited home. I fought so hard to get you back but now I know you are at peace. You will always be with me and inside my heart, love, Rescue Mom. Killian was adopted now named Archer. Archer now lives in Georgia with his mum and dad and has a big back yard to chase flies (his hobby now) and find big sticks. I'm so happy to know he's living a dog's dream.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Valentina/Kiya Adopted Valentina now named Kiya has found her forever home in Hollywood. She is right where she was meant to be and Mike (her dad) is continuing her training to keep her on the same positive path she began with her foster home. We are so happy to get the updates and pics of this amazing girl!!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 James Dean Adopted August 2015 James Dean was adopted and we are so happy for him and his new mom who spoils him and loves him to death!! Parsons Russell Terrier mix, male is only 1-2 years old and is amazing!! He is crate trained, Does well in a car, Likes toys, Lap pet, Obedient, Playful, Affectionate, Eager to please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Goofy. He's a whopping 9 pounds and is only 2 years old. What a doll baby! James Dean gets along well with other dogs, cats, bunnies and is house trained, crate trained and absolutely adorable.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Pax Adopted October 21, 2015 Pax adopted and now living the dream with his dad Rob. They are truly soul mates and inseparable, just as it should be! Pax was rescued from the shelter after being left there two times before from different owners. He is the perfect example that horrible things happen to amazing dogs. Pax is 4 years old and has been through his share of abandonment for his short lifetime. I saw his little face at the shelter and knew he was a Rebel Dog. Pax is amazing. He is trained, well behaved and so easy to love.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Bruiser/Bruce Adopted 9-20-15 Bruce has hit the rescued dog lottery with his two legged pets aka parents! Amelia and Ryan found Bruiser on our website after he had been dumped in the shelter for the third time. To say the third time was the charm is spot on in this situation. Bruce now has his own Instagram following and is living the life in Arizona, chasing lizards and sunbathing. We can't express how happy we are over this adoption and his new life.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Tyrion Adopted August 2015 Tyrion adopted into the perfect family that any little boy could hope to be in. He has his best friend as you can see in the pictures down below. These two are inseparable and adorable. Happy life little man.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Noah Adopted July 2015 I love you Noah... 🌈 🐶 🌈 Noah was adopted by Leng who fell for him in the shelter and when she came to us and asked to foster him, we could not say no! These two enjoy walks, gardening and cuddles. Happy life to you Noah and Leng.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Charlotte Adopted July 2015 She's a tiny Cairn Terrier mix at only 9 lbs! Charlotte is timid and shy but warms up in no time and gets attached to your hip, she makes the perfect companion dog to anyone looking for a best friend to take everywhere because she behaves so well and has such a mellow personality. She is doggy door trained and crate trained to sleep at night, she is dog and cat friendly. Adopt this little girl and have the best dog/friend ever!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Stella Bella Adopted 7-6-15 Stella has found her perfect family with Jeff and Scott who saw her on the Bianca Rae Foundation page thanks to the people who cared enough to share her pics and bio to find a forever home and it worked! Stella was being fostered by Sherrie's good friend Michelle (first time foster) and wow, did she go above and beyond to make it her mission to see she'd be networked for adoption. Thank you so much to everyone who cared about this once little puppy with a metal chain around her neck being given away to anyone who would take her that day, luckily it was us!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Lacey/Brooklyn Rose Adopted 6-22-15 to the perfect home for her. It was basically love at first sight for Doug and his two boys, Lacey resembled their dog that passed and in honor of her and their time together, they adopted a rescue who needed them as much as they needed her. So happy for this girl who once was a neglected and abused puppy.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Savvy 🌈 🐶 🌈 Rest in Paradise sweet girl Adopted 5-27-15 This little chestnut coated beauty and her foster dad just couldn't imagine a life without each other and honestly we were wondering what took so long for both of them to realize they were meant for each other, "who rescued who" is the perfect phrase for these two amazing souls!! t 2 year old Staffordshire Terrier girl. She has a beautiful chestnut coat with freckles. She is very people friendly, loves both men and female, adores children but does not do well with other dogs/cats. She listens very well and is eager to please. She lives a fairly active lifestyle, loves bike rides, car rides and the beach. She is house trained and knows basic commands. Savvy is the perfect girl for a family that does not have other animals, loves the outdoors, and is willing to show her the love and affection she never had before. She is 2 1/2 years old, spayed, current on shots as well as micro chipped, she does well on leash and would make a great agility dog.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Bobby Adopted 5-2015 Rest in Paradise, I love you! 🌈 🐶 🌈 Bobby crossed over this past week in April of 2019 after battling cancer. I will forever love you and you will always own a piece of my heart. We are bonded for life. My condolences to his dad, Robert.
Our super lovable boy was adopted by someone who just instantly "clicked" with him and can give Bobby the home he needs with the right balance of attention, affection and proper guidance and training. We are so beyond the moon over this adoption! A 6-7 year old Staffordshire Terrier with a heart as big as his head. He is so handsome and loving despite his past of being left alone in a backyard with little human touch or interaction. We love this boy and know you will too if you were to meet him and know all he's overcome to be the gentle lovable dog he is today. Resilient and remarkable are two words to describe Bobby.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Bailey Adopted 5-15-15 Bailey is adopted by the perfect mom who will love him unconditionally and never give up on him. He is adjusting to stability and they have formed a beautiful bond together, we are so happy to have Jane and Bailey be forever part of the Rebel Dogs Family. Bailey, 2 1/2 year old male Poodle. Bailey is neutered, chipped and up to date on shots. Bailey goes potty on wee wee pads and is very intelligent. He loves cats, dogs, kids (respectful) and all humans.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 The Little Rascals Litter Adopted! This little bunch was rescued from a bad situation and needed vet care immediately for pneumonia. These little guys and one girl are doing so much better and are beginning to be playful little pups as they should be! As you can see all of them are healthy and have been successfully adopted to their perfect matches in forever homes. Jax lost his battle with lymphoma in 2021, he fought hard and we will never forget you! 🌈 🐶 🌈
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Penelope Adopted 4-16-15 Penelope was left behind when her owners moved out of their LA apartment. She was left to fend for herself and needed to be vetted for shots, spay and badly groomed. She and her foster fell in love with each other and have become kindred souls so much so that she adopted her! Happy tails ahead little Miss Penelope.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Alfie Adopted-3-6-15 Alfie was adopted after Stephanie saw his photo and pretty much fell in love at first sight.I get to see their happy updates on my instagram feed every day and nothing makes me happier than knowing and seeing the dogs living and loving their best lives. It was sealed when the two met and they made it official. Alfie is a happy, spoiled little boy and loving the life his mom gives him.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Brandi Adopted 3-5-15 Pinky, now named Brandi was set for euthanasia in the shelter after being mislabeled as aggressive when she was actually responding to her fear or her surroundings. She's a petite mix with a super sweet disposition who turns out is submissive and sensitive. We were contacted by a beautiful family who fell for her after visiting with her in her kennel at the shelter before they were told by the shelter she could not be adopted out to the public but had to be rescued for behavior. A great team of people got together on Facebook and made her rescue happen! She is with the Yospe family and they plan on adopting her! Such a happy ending for a sweet family and a sweet shelter dog. Congrats Brandi!!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Vinny- Adopted Vinny is a happy, spoiled little boy now who went from rags to riches. He even has her very own Instagram! Stephanie is Vinny's foster mom's sister in law so we will get to hear all kinds of updates and pictures of him to stay in touch with this special boy. Happy life Vinny! Thank you Stephanie for giving him the life he has today, loved and spoiled.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Teddy Ruxpin Adopted 9-10-14 Teddy was adopted today after his second meeting with his new family and new sister. They get along like your typical brother and sister couple should and they couldn't be any happier to have each other in their lives now as they were both only children and needed a best friend. You can see how happy Ted and Smooch are and how much Ted loves his new yard to run around in….congrats baby boy on your new future and we look forward to hearing about your progress in your new home. Make us proud! (Rescued from OC Animal Shelter, left to die and almost did until a group of rescue people made magic happen and we got him safe to live out his forever dream and our's too.)
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 EmilyRose/Scout Adopted 8-28-14 Her new mom is so in love and happy with her, she says she's the "perfect dog" and we may be biased too, but she's near close to perfect, these two are loving their new lives together. Thank you for adopting! (Rescued from OC Animal shelter and was set to die, Scout's mom had emailed us about another dog but I didn't feel it would be a great fit for her lifestyle but when I met EmilyRose, I knew I had to play matchmaker, and IT WORKED.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Blue/Houston Adopted 8-2-2014 Houston lives happily with his dad, Chris and his brother Apollo who is also one of our dogs! He now is a brother, has a huge back yard to share, a kiddie pool and treats galore. We're so happy for Houston who scored as I know they already love them both to the moon and back. (Rescued from OC Animal Shelter, set to die at only 10 months old for being too shy for public adoption, he's not shy, he was terrified in there and shut down, not anymore baby boy).
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Leonardo Adopted 7-15- 2014 It wasn't until he had someone who wanted to meet Leo that his foster parents realized they didn't want to let him go and we couldn't be any happier for all of them. Leo will forever be happy and taken well care of and just happens to live pretty close to us so we will be able to visit this handsome boy whenever we want. Have a happy life Leo, Mike and Lindsey. (Rescued from OC Animal Shelter, set to die at not even a year old, he was a shelter volunteer favorite and still no one adopted him when he was available to adopt and then he was listed for euth. A good, healthy, young adoptable dog like this should never die in a shelter or anywhere else!)
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Ryder Adopted 7-3-14 Ryder was euthanized by owner despite my fight for him to return to me. I will always love you Ryder 🌈 🐶 🌈 Ryder was adopted by a woman who fell madly in love with him within just days of him being with her, not hard for me to imagine considering this boy is all love, all puppy and just needed some training and gentle guidance. For the following year, I was in contact with the adopter and visited Ryder often until... This adopter moved out of state and while in her "care" Ryder along with her other dogs that she acquired in the other state were involved in a dog fight at her negligence to which Ryder and her other dog were seized by Oregon Animal Control. When I was contacted by their control officer, he assured me that Ryder would be returned to me only and that she was not allowed to have more animals. When I checked back with the supervisor, they had euthanized Ryder at her request. This woman is vile, cruel and irresponsible human being who should never own any animal. The animal control officer that I originally spoke to, told me his hands were tied as she was his "legal owner". My heart broke and anger set in. People can be one way for as long as they want to obtain what they want but I never let the loss of Ryder go forgotten. Karma will come for this person while Ryder is waiting for me at the bridge. Until we love each other again my sweet gentle boy.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Butch Adopted 7-3-14! Butch was adopted by his loving foster family who just couldn't imagine their home and life without this bundle of joy and energy. He is truly blessed he found a loving woman who opened her family's home and her heart to take the time to train Butch and show him love and guidance, something not many of these shelter dogs have ever had. We are blessed to have them become family not only together but with the Rebel family as well. (Rescued from OC Animal Shelter, was set to die at a year old for being too active for adoption. When we met Butch at the shelter, we saw his potential and that he was a young, healthy happy dog who just needed exercise and a loving home. He has that now and more thanks to Laura and her beautiful family.)
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Sophie Adopted June 13. 2014! Sophie found a perfect home with Ericca and Ethan Lopez. We couldn't have asked for a better match in a home for our little Sophie girl. We keep in contact with Sophie and her new family and they just love her to bits and pieces. What's not to love she is such a great dog, she may be little but she's got serious spunk, and so much love to give. Well trained and well adjusted, hard to believe she was set to die in the shelter because her former owners claimed they didn't have time for her! Well they do and she's a joy. (Sophie was sitting in the shelter with no interest and was extremely scared. She would not socialize with anyone who would try to visit with her at her kennel in OC Shelter but after some time she trusted my daughter and I enough to come and greet us at the front of her kennel. We knew we couldn't leave her there any longer, so we brought her home from the shelter and within a few days she made herself at home. We fostered Sophie until we found the perfect family for her and we did. Ericca and her son Ethan, adore her.)
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Rocky Adopted 3-2014 Adopted by this beautiful family who opened their home and hearts to a rescue dog before even thinking about getting their daughter's first dog ever. We love people like this. They keep us going. Updated pic of Rocky and his family celebrating his 3 month anniversary with them, how awesome is this? IT'S PAWSOME. (Rocky was surrendered to us one night by a desperate woman who told us she found him roaming the streets and almost got hit by traffic, with no place to take him she found our rescue on Google and asked us to take him that night as she had nowhere for him to go and couldn't take him home. He was skinny, matted and dirty, extremely shy and timid. We cleaned him up for the night, took him to the vet the next morning for shots and then straight to get a new haircut to begin his new life, after that it was set for him to be neutered, chipped and then he'd begin training here with us where he was a quick and steady student. As you can see by the pictures he found himself a loving, perfect family.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Rogers/Teemu Adopted 2-11-2014 By a wonderful family who continues to support rescue dogs and the cause to get shelter dogs into loving forever homes. (Formerly Rogers and Puck) Was a shelter favorite but was set for euthanasia until Shana, his new mom and former foster mom, stepped up and said she would foster to save his life! These are the people who make rescue so rewarding and make a difference in the world. Teemu is now spoiled and living a happy life in the Duthie pack. Teemu was set to die in OC Animal Shelter for having no adoption or rescue interest while being in the shelter as many big black dogs of this breed face. Although he was a feature dog at the Anaheim Ducks adoption awareness event at their stadium, he still was about to lose his life until we met him and knew he was destined to be a Rebel Dog. With the help of his new family who stepped up to foster him and then fell madly in love with him, he is now living the good life as a happy boy with one of our favorite families. Lucky dog!)
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Benjamin Adopted 3-3-14! Sweet Benjamin was adopted by his foster family who have helped him grown into a star student in all of his classes. This boy is so special that they just couldn't let him go, so they adopted him. Congrats to the whole family!! (Benjamin was on the special needs list on OC Animal Shelter's rescue list. He had difficulty walking and the cause was unknown even at just 3 months old he was going to die because no one stepped up to save this precious boy until a loving woman brought him to my attention and asked if she could foster him, of course, I said yes, and then his new journey with this special family began and he is happily one of their adopted sons.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Reese Adopted 2-1-14 Reese was adopted by her foster's friend and we couldn't be any happier for this sweet girl…she has such a sweet disposition and deserved a family who appreciates her gentle and fun loving personality. Her new brother Stewart is above the moon over his new fur sister! Thank you for choosing to rescue Jessica and Kalen! As you can see she's made herself very much a spoiled part of their little family and we love them for giving her this much happiness and love!! Reese who was just an animal id number in OC Animal Shelter was the type of girl who tugged at your heart strings when you saw her shelter photo with the saddest eyes and cutest face, the sweetest girl Diana offered to foster her for our rescue and as always the foster is the hero in these dog's lives. Reese was later adopted by one of Diana's friends and is quite the princess in her home.)
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Milo Adopted 12/12/13 Milo was adopted tonight by a beautiful family with 4 kids who couldn't wait to say he was "their dog" with books and questions for us, they were prepared for us and him. Milo loved all of them and will make a loyal family forever friend to all of them. Thank you for adopting! (Milo was almost surrendered to OC Animal Shelter but we intercepted the owner as he was pulling up in the parking lot. Turned out this young guy just found him on his way to work in the streets and said he was super friendly but appeared to be sick or injured. He asked if i would take him home and at the time he was wrapped up in a towel, he could've been a possum for all we knew but of course we couldn't let him go into the shelter in that condition knowing he may never make it out as so many of them do not. Milo had no training at all, needed medical attention, shots, microchip and of course to be neutered. We took care of all of that and took him into our home for training where he thrived. He scored big time with his new family and is surrounded by four kids who love and spoil him!)
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Sundance/Sunny Adopted 12/5/13! Rest in Paradise 🌈 🐶 🌈 Sunny has joined his sister Halo in heaven. He passed away in April of 2019, his dad said he was hit very hard with mast cell tumor. Sunny was one of the sweetest puppies I had ever encountered and he will always be in my heart. I love you, Rescue Mom. Sundance was adopted by an awesome couple who have not only given him a chance at a happy life but a forever sister as well that they seem to get along like two peas in a pod. We love this so much for the happy go lucky goofy puppy who almost died in the shelter!! (Sundance was a 10 month old pup who sat in OC Shelter with no adoption interest and then was made rescue only and then was set to die….needless to say when we rescued Butch (above) from there, we pulled this little ray of sunshine too and it didn't take long for Josh and Julie to see his photo on our page and wanted to meet him and set up a meet and greet with their dog where as you can see they are like two peas in a pod living a wonderful life with their mom and dad. We love this duo!)
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Olivia Adopted through Saving Graces Rescue Olivia was being fostered by a friend of her trainer who fell in love with her, I mean who couldn't? She is a bubbly little ball of love! As much as she needed work and training on her energy level and prey drive, he stuck with her and stayed committed to this sweet lovey girl and now has given her a permanent home! Couldn't be happier for you both. This girl was rescued from the heart of three of us who came together and fought to give her a new life!
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Violet Adopted 12/6/13 We took this little girl out of the shelter and straight to the vet where she was treated for skin trauma (possible chemical burns on her back or injury) was put on medications for that as well as an upper respiratory infection and within 2 weeks her cough was gone and she was ready to begin her Rebel Dog basic training. She stayed with us for months until she began to feel like she was becoming ours as we were head over heels for her and her for all of us but just when we thought she had chosen us, Lamarr saw her on our page and immediately knew he wanted to adopt her. She is living a very active cross fit life style as her dad owns a cross fit studio where she has excelled at several levels of his vigorous training.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 King/Jaxx Adopted,August 2013 King, now Jaxx, was adopted by his foster family who literally fell in love with him from his shelter photo and my constant bragging about what a good boy he was in the shelter despite being labeled as "scary" and aggressive. As you can see, he now has a little sister named Gracie Lou who initially was not having any part of a new family member, now they are inseparable and show us all that time, love and patience pays off with love! So happy for this boy and landing a loving family like the Pasos family.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Kobe/Apollo Adopted 10/29/13 🌈 🐶 🌈 Rest in Paradise I will never forget you or your amazing personality ! Formerly "Kobe" now "Apollo" is living his own happily ever after with Briana and her fiancé , he now has a cousin as seen in the picture down below and enjoying running around his own big backyard and playing with his and her toys. So happy for you boy <3 We fostered this sweet boy in our own rescue and fell madly in love with this silly happy boy who had no training and needed reassurance of how loving and awesome of a dog he is. He almost lost that chance in the shelter for no reason at all other than being a black pit/terrier mix.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Kaia Adopted 6/5/13 🌈Rest in Paradise My Sweet Bear 🌈 🐶 🌈 August 28, 2018 I love you Kaia Bear. I never gave up and now you're with your sister Dolce in heaven. You will always be in my heart. Kaia's adopter refused updates for the last two years although I never stopped requesting them, he blocked me, ignored all communication and I found out that she passed away from her vet, although they had no medical information to disclose to me, my heart is broken and I never should have adopted her out, I LOVED HER THAT MUCH.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 LilyBug Adopted 7/30/13! LilyBug found her forever human when she met her dad. He wasn't sure how she would react to her new environment at his home so we opted for a temporary foster for a week. We knew he would be very impressed with her and he was! On 7/29/13, we made it official and he adopted Lily Bug. We love you Lily and are so very proud.
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Buddy Adopted 8-1-13 He was adopted by a wonderful loving pet experienced boxer loving friend who he now has a sister and has well adjusted to his new home (can't believe it's almost been a year for Buddy! if it wasn't for our dear friend who fostered him he wouldn't have been so blessed because he now has forever home and we know he will never suffer again. Way to go Buddy, we love you. (Buddy the boxer was rescued within minutes of being euthanized in the OC shelter. He was given up on and his companion that was also left for dead in the shelter didn't make it out. When we heard about Buddy, we rushed down to the shelter and took a chance on him. He was allegedly very aggressive and shouldn't be made for public adoption or even out of his crate. Nonsense! Buddy needed love, security and time to decompress from a sudden life change, owners dumped him, best friend killed and he was next. He was adopted by a wonderful loving pet experienced forever home and we know he will never suffer again. Way to go Buddy, we love you.)
🖤🎉⭐️💍🍾🎊 Cooper Adopted 5/1/13 Cooper was adopted by my son and his girlfriend. The bond between my son and Cooper was undeniable and he made it official this last month and we made him follow the same procedures as any other adopter would have to go through :) Cooper is a great dog and is a great addition to his family, they are inseparable to this day! (Cooper was listed as free to good home on Craigslist where we tried to help the owners find a safer rehoming program until we later saw him in the shelter and he was set to be killed any day due to no interest, luckily for Cooper, we went and bailed him out and gave him a forever home)